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 Your Vote, Our Future

During the Fall 2020 semester, Eagle PR ran a campaign promoting the 2020 Census and registering to vote. Read below to find out why these are important for the OC community.

Early Voting

  • Oklahoma: Oct. 29-31, 2020

  • Texas: Oct. 13-30

  • Find out the dates for early voting in other states here.

-Why should I register to vote?

  • Voting affects you, your community and everyone else in America.

  • Voting means that you are voicing your opinon and not letting others decide on your future for you.

  • Here is where you can read more reasons to register and here is where you can read the reasons Ben & Jerry’s wants you to vote.

Register to Vote

-How do I register to vote?

  • Each state has different rules when it comes to registering to vote. Some universal rules include being 18 or older and being a U.S. citizen.

    • Texas just recently started to allow voters to register online when they update their driver’s license. More information on that can be found here.

  • Check to see if you are already registered here.

-What is absentee voting?

  • According to, “Absentee voting (aka “mail-in voting” and “by-mail voting”) is conducted by mail-in ballot before the day of Election Day. All states will mail a ballot to voters if certain conditions are met. The voter may return the ballot in person or by mail. Some states will let voters apply for an absentee ballot in person before Election Day and then vote the ballot that same day.”

-What is the Census, and why should I take it?

  • The U.S. Census, which can be found here, is a recording of everyone that lives in the U.S. that is counted every 10 years.

  • According the the U.S. Census Bureau, “Census results help determine how billions of dollars in federal funding flow into states and communities each year.”

  • The results of the Census determine the number of seats a state holds in Congress.

  • You can take the Census up until Oct. 31.

You can read more about the campaign here.